Andreessen Horowitz’s second Builders Retreat will bring together leaders and innovators who are helping shape our future. This intimate and invitation-only event will allow for a small group of B2B founders — whose company stages range from idea to early product-market fit — to gather and connect.
The event will feature fireside chats, facilitated breakout sessions, and activities, as well as ample opportunities for founders to share learnings with each other.
Wednesday, June 12 – Friday, June 14, 2024
The Lodge at Blue Sky
27649 Old Lincoln Hwy
Wanship, UT 84017
Please note the agenda is subject to change. We will provide more details prior to the event. (Times below are in Mountain Time)
Activities may include*:
• A guided, outdoor hike
• A cattle-sorting competition while on horseback
*If you are unable to participate in these activities, please notify:
27649 Old Lincoln Hwy
Wanship, UT 84017