Introducing the Talent x Opportunity Grant Program

Kofi Ampadu

The Talent x Opportunity (TxO) Initiative launched with a clear mission to support entrepreneurs who possess the talent, drive, and unique cultural ideas to build successful businesses but lack the necessary networks and resources to do so.

We have had the privilege of working with entrepreneurs across more than 50 companies as we’ve scaled the program over the last 4 years. And with every cohort kickoff we are reminded of our early convictions: talent is everywhere, but the same opportunities to accelerate ideas into durable businesses are not.

When we talk about building a new system for “out-of-network” founders, TxO focuses on support for individuals who do not have access to established connections across the business or technology ecosystems—i.e., any form of a fast track into major corporations, educational institutions, influential industry groups, or well-connected alumni associations. Out-of-network individuals may reside in areas without exposure to entrepreneurial or tech hubs or paths to financing.

While we focus on funding and support for founders, we know the founder journey is not for everyone. There is a universe of talent who won’t ever go through TxO and that is why we’re introducing a new grant program designed to further support talented individuals of all backgrounds. The TxO grant program will facilitate entry and success in the technology industry and startup ecosystem by providing financial support for skill development, internship placement, and other networks designed for career advancement.

The TxO Grant Program

We will allocate up to $50,000 to 3 selected nonprofit organizations in 2024 through the TxO Fund, managed via the Tides Foundation. In addition to the eligibility criteria, these organizations will be chosen based on their alignment with TxO’s mission and their demonstrated ability to support out-of-network talent.

To be considered, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Organizational Status: U.S.-based nonprofit organizations registered as 501(c)(3).
  • Program Requirements: must have an existing internship or career development program geared toward technology, startups, or entrepreneurship.
  • Mission Alignment: must support out-of-network individuals with career growth and job placement.

Application Process

For more details and to apply, visit our application page.

Interested organizations are required to submit applications no later than July 19, 2024 to be considered.

Contact for any inquiries.

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