The advantages, drawbacks, and practical advice for IPOs, direct listings, and SPAC mergers.
What’s really behind the IPO pop? TL;DR: it’s Economics 101. The laws of supply and demand, and marginal pricing, withstand the test of time.
What to make of IPO prices and the headlines hyping their rise or fall? Pricing an IPO is way more art than science.
Jeff Jordan, JD Moriarty, Sonal ChokshiThere are the things that you carefully plan — the who (the bankers); the what (the pricing); and the when. But then there are the things that you don’t plan: like a financial crisis.
Here are the facts: About two decades ago, we used to have 300 IPOs per year. Since then, that average has fallen by more than half. Why?
A look at the market dynamics around the Square IPO and, more broadly, what it can teach us about private vs. public valuations (and investors).