We unpacked the unconventional tactics in Deel's playbook to help guide the business strategy and culture of other startups.
Anduril reimagined how startups can build software and hardware for the defense sector. Now, they're using AI to reimagine modern warfare.
a16z General Partner David George interviews Capital Group's Mark Casey on his investment philosophy and what sends him into what he calls "barnacle mode."
In any company, even the seemingly smallest behaviors will influence your culture, while the loudest proclamations won't.
The difference between a good CEO and a great one? Trusting your gut and confronting your fears head on.
If you aren't yourself, *you* won't even follow you.
You can't build a weatherproof company if you don’t constantly gather challenges to your thinking, learn to listen to them, and then test those learnings out.
A talented but explosive employee may be the most powerful human force in your company. Your challenge is to help them be a force for good.
When a company starts to lose its major battles, CEOs and employees develop creative narratives that help them avoid dealing with the obvious facts.
All the mental energy you waste complaining would be far better used trying to find the one, seemingly impossible way out of your current mess.
Even self-proclaimed apolitical CEOs encourage political behavior in their companies. Make sure you're not incentivizing the wrong behavior.