Pushing the Bounds of Security, Machine Learning, Virtual Reality, and More

Kathryn McKinley


This year’s Academic Roundtable was 36 hours of presentations, conversations, and debate about where technology is headed next — and how the worlds of academia and building companies fit together. Kathryn McKinley from Microsoft Research and UT, Austin (pictured above) was among the researchers, academics, and entrepreneurs who offered ideas and technologies both being developed in labs and launching into the commercial world.

McKinley’s specialty is programming tools and models that can keep up in a mobile world packed with sensors and an unending stream of data. In addition to McKinley’s research, you can view all the session videos here capturing the latest research from academics doing work at Stanford, UC Berkeley, University of Washington, University of Michigan — among other institutions — as well as industry updates from the world of data science, virtual reality, biotech, and more.