a16z Podcast

Personal Genomics: Where Are We, Really?

Jorge Conde and Sonal Chokshi

Posted January 6, 2020

This is a turn of the decade (and January-themed) look backward/ look forward into personal genomics, given recent and past retrospective and prospective pieces in the media on the promise, and perils, of the ability to sequence one’s DNA: What did it, and does it, mean for personalized medicine, criminal investigations, privacy, and more?

General partner Jorge Conde, who has a long history in the space, covers everything from where genealogy databases and large datasets come in to fetal testing, multi-omics, and other themes spanning the past, present, and future of personal genomics in conversation with Sonal Chokshi for episode #18 our news show 16 Minutes, where we cover recent headlines, the a16z way, from our vantage point in tech — and especially what’s hype/ what’s real. While we typically cover multiple headlines, this is one of our special deep-dive episodes on a single topic. (You catch up on other such deep dives, on the opioid crisis and other evergreen episodes, at a16z.com/16Minutes). And if you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to the separate feed for “16 Minutes” to continue getting new episodes.