An Intro to Crypto: Decentralization, the Big Picture

Chris Dixon, Elizabeth Stark, and Jessica Verrilli

watch time: 40 minutes

Why does decentralization matter? Seems like it would be obvious, but it isn’t. So this panel — which first took as part of an “Intro to Crypto” event that Andreessen Horowitz and #Angels put on in April 2018 — explores the whys and the hows, from the history of the internet to the culture of crypto communities today.

Veterans of internet culture Chris Dixon (now of a16z crypto) and Elizabeth Stark (CEO and co-founder of Lightning Labs) share their thoughts with moderator Jessica Verrilli (a founding partner of #Angels, former vice president of corp dev and strategy at Twitter, and now general partner at Google Ventures). You can see other talks, including the building blocks of crypto and of building companies with people and code, from this event here.

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